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The following list of BSI publications represent the most relevant standards associated with timber decking and cladding. If you require a standard not listed here, please contact TDCA.

BS 8605-1:2014 External timber cladding - Method of specifying
This Standard gives the most up-to-date requirements for specifying external timber cladding, including performance requirements and moisture content. It applies to external cladding functioning as a rain screen and covers boards, shingles and shakes, and wood-based panels.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £306.00

BS 8417:2024 Preservation of Wood. Code of practice
This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance for the preservative treatment of wood to provide protection against biodeterioration in end-use situations. It gives recommendations for determining the need for treatment and specifying the type of treatment.
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BS EN 350:2016 Durability of wood and wood-based products. Testing and classification of the durability to biological agents of wood and wood-based materials
This European standard helps its users identify the durability of wood and wood-based products in their lifecycle. BS EN 350 gives guidance on methods for determining and classifying the durability of wood and wood-based materials against biological wood-destroying agents.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £330

BS EN 335:2013 Durability of wood and wood-based products. Use classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood-based products
BS EN 335 defines five use classes that represent different service situations to which wood and wood-based products can be exposed. BS EN 335 also indicates the biological agents relevant to each situation.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £158

BS EN 351-1:2023 Durability of wood and wood-based products. Preservative-treated solid wood - Classification of preservative penetration and retention
This part of the EN 351 series establishes a classification of preservative-treated wood in terms of preservative penetration and gives guidance on a classification of retention. These can be used as a basis for specifying preservative treatments for particular products.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £158

BS EN 351-2:2023 Durability of wood and wood-based products. Preservative-treated solid wood - Guidance on sampling for the analysis of preservative-treated wood
This part of the EN 351 series gives guidance for the general procedures in obtaining samples of preservative-treated wood for the determination of penetration and retention of wood preservative. It also gives guidance on the measurement of penetration and retention of a wood preservative in the treated wood.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £220

BS EN 599-1:2009+A1:2013 Durability of wood and wood-based products. Efficacy of preventive wood preservatives as determined by biological tests - Specification according to use class
BS EN 599-1 is one of a series and should be used in conjunction with EN 599-2, EN 335-1, and EN 335-2, which describe the service conditions for treated wood in terms of use classes.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £2580

BS EN 14915:2013+A2:2020 Solid wood panelling and cladding. Characteristics, requirements and marking
This European Standard defines and specifies the relevant characteristics and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics for solid wood products to be used as panelling and cladding (including siding) for:
- wall and ceiling panelling for internal use,
- wall and ceiling cladding for external uses.
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The TDCA is an Official Distributor of BSI for BSI standards. You benefit from a 15% discount. RRP: £220