Where can I find a list of decking suppliers?

Whether you are looking to purchase specific deck boards, deck fixings, anti-slip decking products or various deck finishes, a list of trusted decking suppliers will help you to progress your project with ease, knowing that you are choosing good quality materials.
We can offer you an ever growing list of TDCA approved suppliers and installers, most of which have been accredited with the DeckMark scheme to offer assurance of longevity and high quality.
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Supplier SearchThe TDCA is a not for profit organisation that exists to advise businesses and individuals on best practice where timber decking and timber cladding are concerned. To attain DeckMark accreditation, businesses have been fully audited by the TDCA to meet strict requirements in term of manufacturing and business management. Following accreditation, annual auditing is required in order to retain the accreditation.
This demanding process means that our approved decking suppliers offer the very best products and the very best services to their customers.
If you cannot find what you want via our decking suppliers, word of mouth is the next best way to source materials and professional help. Perhaps you know family or friends that have undertaken some timber decking work and can point you in a reliable direction? Perhaps you can go and see their decking for yourself and decide if their recommendations are appropriate for your own requirements. It is very worthwhile to put the time in at this point of the project in order to smooth the way to completion.