Hilltop home in challenging environment
This extension needed a robust timber cladding
Glenalmond Timber's latest completed project with the use of Abodo Vulcan cladding also uses a Terralock secret fixing system from TDCA member Rothoblass.
The client's home is in a visually prominent hilltop location where it continually encounters harsh weather. When they decided to extend, they wanted to use natural materials that would blend into the surrounding landscape but also withstand the challenging environment.
4 months in, the timber has aged evenly to lovely soft silver, with a very beautiful vertical grain.
Product: Abodo Vulcan VG
Profile: Square edge
Coating: Sioo:x clear
Architect: D2 Architect

Vulcan, with a weathering accelerator, was a great choice for this project, giving the longevity we needed for a fully timber-wrapped roof in an exposed location.